Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"No dar papaya"

"No dar papaya" is a saying here in Colombia that literally means "don’t give papaya", but colloquially it means don't put yourself in a position where you become vulnerable and can be taken advantage of.

Here that means don't wear/use iPods, jewelry or fancy clothes and don't go walking around deserted streets at night.


  1. I thought papaya had a hard seed in the middle. Does this picture show what is inside a pod in the seed. Can you eat this also?? I love your posts.

  2. mmm...this is the inside of a papaya...no big seed and you don't eat these seeds.

    maybe you were thinking of avocado, which tastes much better.

  3. Tanner just told me it was a mango. I thought they were the same thing only spelled different. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
