Saturday, March 27, 2010

Funny TV Moment

Flipping through the channels one weekday afternoon, I stumbled upon this funny sight. A young, toned workout instructor leads viewers through an easy at-home workout. Kind of like "Sit And Be Fit" (MJ I know you remember that one!).

Anyway, I stared and laughed for a long time, and then i joined in on the workout - not as easy as it looks!!


  1. you gotta check out ZUMBA

  2. I'm going to have to find some videos of actual classes - I need some in-home exercise FAST! Expecially since I'm spending my week off on the couch brushing up on my Spanish listening skills.

    Yoga led workouts would be nice too. I have my mat here, and have gotten in out a few times, but I can't lead myself in a series, despite having gone to yoga religously a couple of years ago.

  3. I should try some Sit and Be Fit exercises while sitting at my desk, since that's where I live for 12 hours a day! Haha, that show was hilarious.

    And... I have been reading everyday, just so you know. I will try to up comments after April 15. :)
